The most severe symptoms of water intoxication occur when hyponatremia leads to cerebral edema. 当低钠血症引发脑水肿时,就会出现最严重的情况。
However, it is important not to get too concerned because the amount of water that causes water intoxication is huge. 但是,也别过分关注,因为导致水中毒的量非常大。
The insured person engaging in professional sports, hunting, mountaineering necessitating ropes or guides, skiing, water skiing, winter sports, diving, racing of any kind or fighting or insanity or being under influence of drugs, alcohol, intoxication and solvent abuse. 参与专业运动,打猎、攀山(指需要利用绳索或诱导绳为辅助工作者)、滑雪、滑水、冬季运动、潜水、参加各种竞赛、殴斗、神经错乱,或因酗酒,吸毒或滥用药物。
Known as "water intoxication," the condition occurs when serum sodium concentration in the blood falls to dangerously low levels causing cells in the body to stop excreting water. 低钠血症也被称为水中毒,当血液中的血清钠浓度降低到危险水平时,会引起机体的细胞停止分泌水分。
Water intoxication happens when a runner drinks so much water that the balance of electrolytes is increased beyond the limits of the human body. 当饮水过量,跑步者发生水中毒,电解质浓度超过人体的上限。
If a parent thinks their child may have water intoxication, or if an infant has a seizure, they should seek medical attention immediately, she advised. 她建议道,如果父母发现孩子有可能水中毒,或者婴儿有癫痫发作的情况,应该立即求医。
Water intoxication is most likely to occur during periods of intense athletic performance. 水中毒现象经常在激烈运动中发生。
Consuming too much water can put babies at risk of a potentially life-threatening condition known as water intoxication. 摄入过多的水可能会导致宝宝面临潜在的生命威胁,我们称之为水中毒。
Objective To discuss the anesthesia way for hysteroscopy and its effects on patients'respiration and circulation, and to show the clinical experience in the prophylaxis of water intoxication. 目的探讨宫腔镜手术麻醉方式的选择及其对患者呼吸循环的影响以及对水中毒预防的体会。
Case report of autopsy from acute water intoxication is very rare. 急性水中毒尸检报告罕见,占我校尸捡的0.1%。
There were no such severe complications as water intoxication and vesical perforation happening during and after operation. 术中术后均无水中毒、膀胱穿孔等并发症。
Posterior pituitary hormone induced hyponatremia and water intoxication 垂体后叶素诱发低钠血症及水中毒
This paper reported 4 patients of neonatal water intoxication, three were caused by water overload and one by neonatal transient renal insufficient function. They were relieved rapidly after correcting diagnosis and treatment. 本文报告新生儿水中毒4例,3例为输液过量,1例暂时性肾功能不全所致,经及时诊断和正确处理后,均迅速恢复。
Water Intoxication in Calves 犊牛的水中毒
Somatosensory evoked potentials in water intoxication in rabbits 兔水中毒时体感诱发电位
A Report on 4 Neonates with Water Intoxication 新生儿水中毒四例报告